
Sylissin Impressions

Here I have gathered a few images inspired by the Sylissin books. The first set relate to the world of Imira, world of the imiri where some of the early action occurs. The later ones are of Wyrlyan Tanzan Dao, world of the prelerah from where some of th eprinciple characters originate.


1. Tuiy

The debate as to whether or not to inform humans of the sylissin had ebbed and flowed for years. Then, when this website was set up and the decision was made to release The Sylissin Chronicles, the author was summoned to a meeting on the remote Culbin Bar, a spit of land in the north of Scotland. Though it was anticipated that the photo would not come out, clearly the Tuiy allowed it. This is Tuiy Suareska, the Tuiy of Suluru Aam Suareska, a female prelerah who had been monitoring the situation for some time. The meeting went well, and shortly afterwards The Sylissin Chronicles were uploaded to Amazon Kindle




2. Imira Impressions

Imira's principle star


Beukon Desert on Imira


Lava bush - spring in Beukon Desert, Imira


Beukon Beach, Imira


2. Wyrlyan Tanzan Dao impressions

Seekers in Larwan Rainforest, Wyrlyan Tanzan Dao

































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